SAFETY CLASSES: A 'Herculean effort' underway at URI to prepare for safest possible September reopening
SOUTH KINGSTOWN – Four campuses in four different parts of the state. Three-hundred-twenty-one buildings totaling 5.4 million square feet of space. Roughly 20,000 people a day expected. Most spread across a main campus of 1,200 acres. Such is the magnitude of the task facing the University of Rhode Island employees charged with ensuring safety as the school readies to reopen, a half year into the COVID-19 pandemic. Like other schools at all levels around the state, URI shifted to distance learning in March...
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Aug 2 at 4:35 PM
Aug 2 at 1:41 PM
The state is changing. Will its name follow? The details of a 20-year debate over 'and Providence Plantations'
Aug 1 at 9:22 PM
Providence's Loie Fuller bistro has closed; Duck and Bunny not to reopen this year
Jul 30 at 4:10 PM
Alan Rosenberg: What lay behind a powerful photo
Aug 1 at 9:23 PM
Aug 2 at 5:10 PM
Former Smithfield pastor charged with child molestation
Aug 1 at 9:01 PM
Aug 1 at 5:55 PM
Updated Aug 1 at 9:23 PM
Updated Aug 1 at 9:12 AM
Sunday's silver linings still weren't enough for Red Sox
Posted at 12:19 AM
Thomas holds off Koepka to win at St. Jude
Aug 2 at 8:09 PM
Good shooting night helps Celtics win
Aug 2 at 7:25 PM
BRUINS JOURNAL: Cassidy can't say when Kase will be game-ready